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  • Writer's pictureandreamochnacsphot


Olivia and I worked for the same company around 5-6 years ago… she is still there, I sailed to another water. But we kept following each other’s journey from the distance.

She messaged me when I was looking for models. So we met in a place that I can call as her natural habitat. A tea place. I always knew about this spot but never visited it.

Gosh, the tea experience I never had before. It was the first time in my life when I went to a proper tea place where the atmosphere was so relaxed. The place itself is so simple but beautiful at the same time. Everything was quiet, gentle and relaxing

If I lived at home in Hungary, probably this will be on my list to be sometimes.

So this experience was combined with a photoshoot, luckily. I think we both needed this session. We talked, we laughed and I am grateful that I know her better now. She is a very strong and beautiful woman and I tried to catch this every time I pushed the shutter button.

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